Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Save us from your people, Lord"

I sometimes get this feeling in the back of my little noggin that I have bought into some crazy feel-good religion that lacks any true evidence of its authenticity. I have had non-Jesus-followers question how I can believe in something so hocusy-pocusy in light of what seems to be true in the natural world. Have you checked your brain at the church door? I was wondering today if people wouldn't question the authenticity of Christianity if Christians started acting like Jesus instead of pompous asses (by the way, I include myself in the latter group in case I sound self-righteous). I think it would be so very clear that there is nothing to lose in trusting in Christ because your life would be a fragrant gift to the rest of the world. Believers would obey Christ and love EVERYONE the way we are supposed to; serve EVERYONE the way Christ did despite his completely entitled position; share EVERYTHING we have and give our money so willingly with no ounce of cynicism or bitterness; believe that MERCY truly does triumph over judgement (this is all straight from the Bible folks!); instead of sneering at someone because of their lifestyle choices and sin we would fall to our knees praying for God's grace for them and for our own messy, disgusting junk we have so professionally learned to hide. No one would ever think we were stupid for following Jesus because there's nothing stupid about a life poured out for others. Lord Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me a sinner.

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