Thursday, March 4, 2010

Nesting frenzy

My latest project: staining the armoire that houses all of our ugly but "necessary" electronics a pretty espresso color.The cabinet is an eye sore compared to the dark wood look we have in our living room. It has been an annoyance to me for a long time and I am finally doing something about it. The plastic is down and the stain has been purchased. I already took her out for a test run, but forgot to slow down and put on some gloves. My hands and nails now have a different tint than the rest of my body. Awesome.

I'm not sure why I have felt so compelled to nest lately. I know there are more important things I could be spending my time on like: feeding the poor, taking care of the sick, housing orphans.... But you know what? I feel the need to take a step back right now and just breathe in and out. That even feels hard sometimes. I am going to rest in the assurance that Jesus loves me even if I am out of the "sexy ministry" game (what's considered hip and cool in the Christian community at the time)for a while. I have bought into the lie for quite some time now that we are worthless to God unless we are out on the front lines (whatever that even means). Onward soldiers!! Too bad I feel like a crippled bird right now. So I am going to breathe easy, love on my two babies, change their diapers one at a time, focus on making our house welcoming and pretty and not apologize. So there.Just a little look at how much the armoire sticks out. Blah!And lest I make it seem like my house is immaculate with two in diapers running around, take a look at the not-so-magazine-worthy views of our cottage... (notice the little baby feet in the bottom of the photo).Can't remember when I last made the bed after I got up, as opposed to the norm of just before people come over...
Lovely paint swatches. When did my style become so shabby chic-ish??? I don't know, but I am in a period where I love all things girly and frilly and soft. The kitchen cabinets below are the bain of my existence. We have had the same ugly cabinets since we moved in over 3 years ago. I attempted to stain them a dark walnut color, but quickly realized this was no bueno as our kitchen is the size of a postage stamp. The dark color made you feel like the cabinets were going to lean down and eat you...too imposing! So hopefully I will have some "after" pictures to show the progress my nesting frenzy is making. On the list: stain tv armoire; paint living room and kitchen a fresh, bright color; paint kitchen cabinets white and get new appliances; redo both master and guest bathrooms (they truly need some updating if we ever hope to sell this place; new backsplash in kitchen...I think that's enough for now.
Thank you Lord for your provision and your grace. I am humbled that you call me Yours. Please help me to keep my eyes focused on Jesus and to honor you in all I say and do. Help me to be slow to anger and quick to show mercy- especially to those closest to me. Watch over my friends and family today and keep them on my mind even as I perform the most menial tasks. May I be like the saints of old who practiced abiding in you regardless of where they were or what they were doing. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Amen.


  1. Katie, you are so very refreshing to me. I love the way God is turning your heart toward home. It encourages me to simplify things and just tend to what's really important. Life is so much more beautiful that way. Once again, wishing we'd had time to develop our friendship more in Austin. You are prayed for by me.

  2. Can I be your nesting buddy? Renting gives me very little incentive to do similar projects at our house, so I'm up for helping with your projects if you're up for the company...

  3. I love your decor Katie, you guys have such a great house and mind doesn't have a single diaper in it. Save a project and I'll help when I come in April. Can't wait to see you guys!!

  4. Hey friend - Love love the picture of you on the top of page. gorgeous.
    Remember - I'm off Fridays and can come to Austin anytime and would love to hang out / help paint!
    Just let me know!
