Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Vacation Bible School

Other VBS Volunteer: "How was your day today?"
Me: "We had a few challenges but God is so good. We are teaching the Bible and that is truly all that matters in the end.
Translation: "I might just go nuts before this week is over."

I really believe what I told the gal today in the parking lot. I just think God has a funny sense of humor when it comes to the things He thinks we can handle sometimes! Five year olds are fun. And they wear me out. Thank goodness for my new friend and co-leader Elizabeth (she's from South Africa and has the coolest accent. I'm so jealous!) who I have come to adore these past three days. I feel like we have been in battle together. It is such a joy when you come across that person who is authentic and doesn't just talk about nothing to pass the time. Add "loves the Lord" and "is humble" and you've got a bonefide cool gal on your hands.

Two more days. Pray we will be able to hear something else in our heads besides, "I like to R-E-A-D my B-I-B-L-E" after this week is over. ;)

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