Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The banqueting table. A place where we come, sit, and eat and drink together in merriment. The purpose that brings us to the banquet is far more important than the banquet itself. I think back to the many Young Life banquets I have been a part of and helped throw. We put in countless hours to nail down every detail: table decorations, menus, registration tables, volunteers, a silly program, tshirts, a speaker, etc. All this for one purpose: to share the ministry of Young Life so others could join us if they felt led to. That was the reason for the banquet.

My good friend and "mentor", Sharon, always talked about getting a taste of the banqueting table Christ has for us. The absolute fulfillment we will feel when at last we dine with the One who alone fills us completely. Can you imagine how awesome that will be?! No worrying about what you have to wear... we'll all be in the most beautiful garments unimaginable to man. No bickering with your husband before you pull up to the event. The groom is Christ and He is our joy. I also like to believe that when all is said and done in this cosmic journey, it will be one...ummm...heaven of a party!
I say all of that because life tends to bear down on us all and we forget the joy we have set before us if we trust Christ. This life IS NOT it. I need to be reminded that there is a banquet I am invited to by the grace of God alone...nothing I have done grants me a seat at the table beyond admitting my need for Christ and accepting Him as the director of my life. I can't wait. I decided on the one year anniversary of my mom's death that I wanted to throw a "feast"...something other than rice and beans or the same old white chili I always make. Our budget was not up for providing a feast but off I went to the grocery store anyway, knowing that God would provide a way for that night to be something of a celebration. Wouldn't you know it; I get a phone call as I am driving. One of my best buds, Kara, informs me she and another buddy Julie want me to have a feast (HER WORDS!) and is bringing La Madeleine over and wants to know what my favorite dish is. Hmmm. Coincidence? I think not. This is what happens when people listen to the urgings of God. And this is what happens when you trust in the faithful and amazing creator of the Universe.

You get La Madeleine.

No, but really, I hope you see the significance here. God is very aware of our pain and our brokeness. He is whispering to us who we are to him and what he would do to keep us near him. Is God real? This is a question I rolled around and around in my head many times this past year. Absolutely he is. Thanks Kara and Julie (and all of my precious friends) for allowing God to use you to speak truth to my heart.

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