Spring 2008! Sharon's in the middle. |
My dear friend Sharon came to Austin earlier this week and hung out with me and the kiddos for a few hours. She is a woman I look up to in every way possible. From her humility to her goofiness, to her deep, passionate love for Christ, Sharon is someone you can't help but love instantly. The depth at which she loves her family, friends, and the dorky college kids she ministers to is immeasurable. I just love her so much.
Over the years she and her husband Ronnie have given me books that I treasure- so much so they NEVER end up in the stack bound for Half-Price Books, which says a lot! I have been reading one of those books lately and my butt is getting a severe kicking. Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray, an old Scottish preacher from the late 1800's, is stock full of good food for the soul. This morning this little passage is the icing to what I believe God has been trying to teach me the past few weeks:
I pray you learn to know and to trust your God entirely. Say: "My God, I am willing that Thou shouldst make me willing." If there is anything holding you back, or any sacrifice you are afraid of making, come to God at once and prove how gracious your God is; be not afraid that He will command from you what He will not bestow.
Peter was brought to the end of himself when he denied Christ during Jesus' most desperate time. Peter realized with a painful clarity how wretched and despicable he was. Only then did he truly understand how brilliant and glorious and beautfiul Jesus is. From there was birthed an insatiable desire to truly leave everything behind and follow his Lord wherever and whenever, knowing he could do nothing apart from Christ's power anyway!
"My Lord, O King, according to thy saying, I am thine, and all that I have." 1 Kings 20:4
Thanks for this Katie! Just found this blog and I love hearing your thoughts so I'm following!! =)